Thursday, November 20, 2008


Looking through some of the ads on the Internet and judging by what we sometimes see on TV and in the glossy mags, anyone would think that this kind of surgery is a walk in the park.

It's certainly one of the leading forms of cosmetic surgery in Australia and I believe this is similar to the situation which obtains in the US and the UK.

Women and girls who are thinking of undertaking this procedure should aquaint themselves with the literature on excessive liposuction.

Excessive Liposuction
Excessive liposuction is not safe. This patient had too much liposuction on a ... Excessive liposuction might be defined as a volume of liposuction that is ..

Excessive Liposuction
Aggressive surgeons endanger patient outcomes and well being.

What about unnessesary liposuction?

Think Tara Reid.

This is what she has been reported as saying in relation to her lipo surgery gone wrong; "I got lipo because even though I was skinny, I wanted – I’m not going to lie – a six-pack. I had body contouring, but it all went wrong. My stomach became the most ripply, bulgy thing.”
Click here to read more

Tara Reid is scarred from liposuction, but good enough and brave enough, to warn others about the perils of cosmetic surgery. Her case should be an example and a warning to those who are inclined to believe that if celebrities are getting these procedures, then everything must be 'A ok'. Unfortunately as you can see, it doesn't necessarily work that way, does it?
Liposuction is booming - and the vast majority of patients are women. What makes them submit to such a violent procedure - especially when it removes only a few pounds of fat? Kira Cochrane asks why? Click here to read more